Electrolytes are ESSENTIAL for daily functions - they're the ions floating around your system that conduct electrical charge basically controlling your hydration, your pH balance, nutrient partitioning, muscle contraction and relaxation, your blood pressure as well as your heart rate and rhythm.
But does it mean you need to supplement them?
In most cases you can get PLENTY of them through your food - so if you're eating at maintenance or in a surplus from WHOLE FOOD sources and are adding a consistent amount of salt to your food then no, you probably don't need to suppplement with them.
HOWEVER - in the following circumstances you may need to add:
when you're in a deficit, your electrolyte intake decreases (as food does) and so you may lack essential intake requirements
if you take part in hectic training that calls for a higher demand
when you're fasting, you may run low on them (from a lack of food) and so supplementing will help
if it's bloody hot and you're sweating
if you're dehydrated
Just like any supplement, you add according to need - because too much sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium can alllllllllll have pretty nasty side effects.
While prepping I sip on one litre of water with 1g sodium, 200mg potassium and 100mg magnesium throughout the morning to help me function better - but doing this in the offseason BLEW UP my fluid retention and cramping because I had plenty coming from food.